Sunday, May 2, 2010

Annabelle's First Two Weeks

Little Annabelle is over two weeks old and I am just getting a moment to write on her blog! Her birth story will post when I get a chance to complete it but for now i will attempt a small update. Annabelle has grown so much! We had her two week doctor visit on Thursday and Little She weighed in at 6lbs 13 oz, almost a pound in a week! Way above all of our bets. She is eating like a champ and is just ready to be bigger. Her face has lengthened and she is holding her head up when you place her over your shoulder to burp her. She tells me she's going to be a strong girl. She is also quite the grunter! She's either squeaking like a kitten or grunting like a little monster.
Jack started working last week but we are really lucky that he is working from home. He can lend a hand when needed and just for me to have the company is very comforting. I am getting the hang of my new job as a mom slowly but surely. Figuring out how to maneuver clothes while breastfeeding, how to deal with leaking boobs, how to make breakfast one handed, how to get her into the Moby and attempt a solo walk are all little hurdles that I've had to accomplish. I know it will all become second nature, but right now I feel like such a beginner! This week my friends Deb and Emily are visiting for a few days, and my parents will finally arrive. My first Mother's Day as a mom is Sunday and I'll get to have my mom and mother in law here as well as see my friend Deb as a mom too. There I did it! I got a chance to write while sweet girl slept soundly...progress!


  1. annabelle is very beautiful, already smiling! love gillian and jeff

  2. The last picture is so sweet. I can see both you and Jack in her face.
